jor_FAQManipulation adds additional functions to the WB FAQ Extension
the following additional function are available ...
01. add content per panel by WB Layer or Master-Page/Object
02. collapse - (one panel open only)
03. first panel to open on page load
04. external Close All and/or Open All button by WB Image or Text object
05. property style follows height (background/border)
DEMO jor_FAQManipulation: visit jorextensions.com
DOWNLOAD: jor_FAQManipulation
Builder: jordan (6j6)
Code: jordan (6j6)
EB version: 5.3.2
WB version: 10+
jQuery lib: 1.7.2+
Dependency: WB FAQ Extension
W3C valid: Html, Xhtml
License: released under the MIT and GPL licenses
-#-#-#- version 1.1 : -#-#-#- 19/nov/2014
01. added : event type for Close/Open All
-#-#-#- version 2.0 : -#-#-#- 08/jan/2017
01. enhanced/fix : abide WB breakpoint
01. changed : compiled with EB5.3.2
-#-#-#- version 2.1 : -#-#-#- 01/jun/2017
01. fix : fix jQuery FAQ extension id change