jor_ultimslideshow is simply a robust cross browser fade slideshow
some of jor_ultimslideshow features ...
01. multiple instances per page
02. NEW: easing effect for slide fade and caption
03. NEW: randomize image (shuffle)
04. NEW: peekaboo caption
05. NEW: style caption per instance
06. NEW: events oninit and onslide
(see complete update history below)
NOTE PRE jor_ultimslideshow_update 2: delete both extensions (jor_ultimslideshow.xwb + jor_ultimslideshow_setup.xwb) from the WB extension folder!
DEMO jor_ultimslideshow: visit jorextensions.com
DOWNLOAD: jor_ultimslideshow
Builder: jordan (6j6)
Additional code: jordan (6j6)
Code: dynamicdrive.com
EB version: 4.1.0
WB version: 8+
jQuery lib: 1.7.2/1.9.1/1.11.1
W3C valid: Html, Xhtml
-#-#-#- update 1: -#-#-#- 24/dec/09
01. changed: compatible with WB6.5
02. enhanced: HTML W3C valid
-#-#-#- update 2: -#-#-#- 20/jan/13
01. changed: internal WB jQuery
02. changed: fadeslideshow.js 2.4 + minified
03. changed: jor_ultimslideshow consists of 1 extension now - removed global setup extension
04. changed: caption styling per instance
05. new: easing effect on slide fade and caption
06. new: randomize image option (shuffle)
07. new: caption peekaboo option
08. new: events oninit and onslide
09. changed: dimension set by extension
10. added: background color option
-#-#-#- update 3: -#-#-#- 10/feb/13
01. added: pause on hover option
-#-#-#- update 4: -#-#-#- 10/mar/13
01. changed: removed image close option (auto detect last slide)