Why didn't I get any reponse on the emails I've sent?

Frequently Asked Questions about WYSIWYG Web Builder
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Why didn't I get any reponse on the emails I've sent?

Post by Pablo »

Unfortunately sending email is not always very reliable :cry:
Sometimes users try to contact us through email, but when we reply (which we always do!!!), we'll receive a message from their spam filter that our reply has been blocked. As you can imagine it will be impossible for us to contact this users about this, because all our emails will be bounched back. Some users get very angry when they do not receive any replies on their message, but of course we can not do anything about it :!:

This is one of the main reasons that we do not give support through email and you'll have to use this forum instead.

You might not be aware of it, but some ISPs block emails for you so they will not even reach your email account! This is a very common reason (99% of the time!!!) why our emails will not reach you!
Please contact your ISP to make sure they have not blocked our emails. They should be able to find our emails in they logs.

The following email providers are known to block our emails:
hotmail (check your junk mail!)

If you do not receive any replies, please sent us an email from an alternative (more reliable) email address!

For issues related to your order or activation please read these related topics.
Why didn't I receive an order confirmation?

How to activate WYSIWYG Web Builder?