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WYSIWYG Web Builder
This template demonstrates how to use the CMS tools of WYSIWYG Web Builder.

Online administrator panel (CMS Admin) to add/edit/copy and remove pages.
The administrator panel supports several popular editors like CKEditor and TinyMCE.
You can hide pages from the menu structure which currently under construction.
CMS uses individual 'design blocks' to give you as much flexibility as possible.
Integrated search functionality (CMS Search).
Includes a CMS Menu object, which can be used to navigate between online pages.
The CMS label object can display the title, date, page views etc anywhere on the page.
Supports AJAX to quickly navigate between pages without reloading the whole page!
Integrates with the login tools so you can assign different users to the CMS.
The system keeps track of the page views.
The CMS supports external pages, so you can mix online content with standard pages.
Includes a simple File Manager which can be used to upload and manage online images.

The CMS tools require a web server with PHP and MySQL support.

Click 'Getting started' to learn more.
CMS tools demonstration

Getting Started

