jor_piecemaker2 is taken from the piecemaker2 code of modularweb
piecemaker2 is a flash based 3D Image, flash file and video effect gallery
DEMO jor_piecemaker2: visit jorextensions.com
DOWNLOAD: jor_piecemaker2
Builder: jordan (6j6)
Code: modularweb (björn crüger)
EB version: 4.1.0
WB version: 8+
W3C valid: Html, Xhtml
License: released under the MIT and GPL licenses
note: .swf precondition CS4/CS5 & AS3
-#-#-#- update 1: -#-#-#- 09/may/11
01. enhanced: multiple instances of jor_piecemaker2 possible (id + .xml set)
-#-#-#- update 2: -#-#-#- 21/apr/13
01. changed: removed .xml option set - is auto set by id now
02. changed: removed on/off set of Image/Flash/Video - is set auto if empty now
03. changed: content is stored in jor_piecemaker2 folder
04. new: info H1/p font styling