Self contained page

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Self contained page

Post by aklisiewicz »

Because my attempts to embed PHP pages into WWP site I would like to test it the oether way around.
I would like to to embed the WWB page into my php App project. That would be simply pasting generated code into my PHP page.
The question is: how would I generate a single page with everything self contained (is it possible at all). I believe WWB pages keep CSS and JS externally.

Is it possible to have all necessary code inside a single HTML file (so the page shows up as expected) ?

PS> I am talking mainly about static pages (no data presentation of any kind)
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Re: Self contained page

Post by BaconFries »

I believe WWB pages keep CSS and JS externally.
Yes and no only if you select to do so. Also you will probably run into issues such as positioning of the rendered html as it has its own and will be different from the page/site you wish to do so. Also if the site which I think may be either W**dPr**s or J**ml* then they have there own styling/positioning and you would end up breaking it. Please note that this is in noway a issue with any of the html generated by the software and to do so you would need a good knowledge of html and not just a matter of simply copy and pasting.and hope it works. As it is unrelated to the software then no help would be available for apps or applications from other programs.
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Re: Self contained page

Post by Pablo »

You can control the output format in Tools -> Options -> HTML
However, if you are using advanced features (like jQuery or Bootstrap) then there will always be external files.
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