RE: a couple sites I updated

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RE: a couple sites I updated

Post by keydog »

Arcade Machines for sale


any suggestions on improvements appreciated
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Re: RE: a couple sites I updated

Post by crispy68 »

The first site is right up my alley! I have an arcade system similar to that in my game room.

On your 6000 in 1 game list .pdf, I think that needs redone. The games are not alphabetical and very hard to find and see if a particular game is on the list. May also be helpful if they were categorized in some way by system (arcade, Nintendo, Atari 2600, etc.)

Also, the images are clickable but the zoomed light box image is not much bigger than the thumbnail. I would offer larger sizes as I would like to really see the details.

On your main page, I know you have the 'learn more' button that links to the appropriate page, I would suggest adding the same link to the image associated with it. I find that users (including myself) have a tendency to click the image to get the same results.
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Re: RE: a couple sites I updated

Post by keydog »

that game list was what the suppliers sent me
6000 games, I didnt really want to re write it
hopefully when the newer version board comes out, the list will be better

that idea with linking the images I will get done
I do the same thing, wherever I can click to get me there the easiest is usually the way I go
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Re: RE: a couple sites I updated

Post by BaconFries »

Nice site(s) but I noticed not mobile friendly see the following screenshots grabbed from my Mobile/Cell phone

Desktop on Mobile/Cell
Mobile on Mobile/Cell
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Re: RE: a couple sites I updated

Post by keydog »

I checked this site on my phone and it looked ok except for the page title block

what are those spots you have marked
I have breakpoint set at default, 300, 480
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Re: RE: a couple sites I updated

Post by keydog »

i cant seem to get these mobile version issues worked out
I increased the padding from the top layout grid to push down the rest of the page

still cant get this 6000 game machine page to display correctly
on iphone I got some of the pages to display better
but on android my header doesnt even show up

I have more problem now than I started with

what would make the page header disapear on android phones
Im using a layer in an embedded page element on a laygrid for the top of the pages on this site
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Re: RE: a couple sites I updated

Post by mfirlotte »

Just a thought on sorting the 6,000 game titles.

For a spreadsheet, I happen to use LibreOffice but I'm sure it'll be the same in Excel if that's what you use.

Open the PDF and select everything.
Then open up your spreadsheet app, then select Edit/Paste Special/Paste Special. Then select Unformatted Text then OK for the Text Import popup.

Now select the entire column and Data/Sort and OK.

Finally, Export As PDF to finish the job.
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Re: RE: a couple sites I updated

Post by keydog »


does anyone know why my headerwould dissapear on android phones, looks ok on iphone and desktop
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Re: RE: a couple sites I updated

Post by keydog »

bacon fries, could you look at these sites again
on my phone they dont display the way they did on yours
I belive i fixed the issue
on my 300 breakpoints, the headers were a few pixels larger than the page size
I beleive this would cause them to display as you pictured them on this post

thanks for any help
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Re: RE: a couple sites I updated

Post by USDefaultAhead »

From a marketing standpoint, I would get away from Italic fonts for the whole of the wording, especially with the use of darker colours it makes it harder for the readers. Remember, websites need to draw in without a distraction, and they only have 5 seconds to pull in. Italics forces the brain to a recalibrate phase, which is a slight delay (Harvard Biz School Marketing presentation tips. Once published in Harvard Business Review as Tips years ago) . Plus, SEO will lower your read rating using all Italics. To us as developers we seem to be drawn to Italics, but we already know what is being spelled out so there is no cognitive displacement like there would be for the new reader or customer visiting the site with all italics across the whole of the content. There is some good material online of what fonts not to use on websites to score better with SEO (SEO plays big on the end reader cognitive ability to read content quick from pages.) Yes clients may like it, but they also tend to not realize they are not reading it for the first time thus they don't pickup on the issue.

Another thing keep and eye on your images you use and the file sizes they are for small images try and keep their file size below 20kb as the SEO docs rating for larger load times and larger pic files that can be done with smaller size. Enclosed is one of your lock picks I pulled and made transparent resized and taken the file size down from the 57KB Gif file to a small file size to 12.5Kb WEBP format that is built in to WWB which people should be using the amazing save to format feature built in convert all your images to WEBP format to reduce their file size. That image I converted for you 12.5KB WEBP format in translucent background also you might want to see what it look like on the normal dark background as I made it transparent so you can have any background colour you want thus no white unless that is what you want. Good luck as I made all the same mistakes and have been also correcting them over the past 12 months now.
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Re: RE: a couple sites I updated

Post by USDefaultAhead »

People that use WWB I think many underestimate the value of that built-in conversion feature for pictures to WEBP from other formats. Unless many are not aware of it along with that, SEO prefers that format and the smaller sizes that are created, reducing page load time. This is a feature people should appreciate was added into WWB.
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Re: RE: a couple sites I updated

Post by keydog »

thanks for the advice,
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Re: RE: a couple sites I updated

Post by keydog »

in case someone is just seeing this post now

I had made up these sites but there were issues with them displaying on mobile devices

Ron From wizbang -

had helped me and fixed several issues on both of these sites, including putting the animations on the B&W pictures on the home page, changed the font, redid the game lists (they way they display)
and set up the search so it isn't visible until clicked
added breakpoints to make the transitioning to smaller screen smoother

made the lightboxes responsive

plus other several other issues taken care of
that I am not remembering right now

credit where due
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