finally overcame my information-density problem

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Posts: 36
Joined: Sat Jul 18, 2020 10:18 pm

finally overcame my information-density problem

Post by johnwayne »

I have put off a redesign of the site that has the things that I do and/or sell for a very long time - due to having designer's block when it comes to solving the problem of density of information. Things always became too cluttered, or it was information overload to the visitor. I'm involved with a wide variety of things, and without all the things in one spot - it hurts my business as potential customers fail to believe that all of the things are available.

So while seeking inspiration, I found the Wizzy 14 template "Windows Settings". To keep the aesthetic, it forced me to be short and precise with my descriptions, and sticking to an icon set, truly reduced the clutter. It has already been called too minimalistic - but that is by folks that don't have a clue what it took to arrive at this point in the layout.

I am currently running Wizzy 17, and it seems that I had to delete all the content from the breakpoint page, delete the breakpoint page, create a new breakpoint page, and then rebuild the flexgrid on the new breakpoint - before the object manager started behaving correctly. It also took guidance from a friend about the cell naming of a flexgrid carried to other breakpoints - to get content to "reappear" on the next breakpoint. The only issue I am left with is that the opengraph image urls in the page head meta get stripped of the root domain during publish :? . I haven't figured out how to fix that yet, other than manual code edit on the server.

They way the search collapses empty rows works well on the single column mobile breakpoint, and yields an interesting UX on desktop.

Are the color shifts too subtle? Should I work in more colors? Any other constructive criticism?
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Re: finally overcame my information-density problem

Post by wwonderfull »

nice website. Simple and creative matches the theme. Perfect
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