*** MUST READ *** Please read this before posting extensions

In this section you can share self-made extensions with other users of WYSIWYG Web Builder.
There is a dedicated section for commercial extensions.
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*** MUST READ *** Please read this before posting extensions

Post by Pablo »

Read this first before you share your extensions with other Web builder users.

If you wrap 'free' scripts/code into an extension always check the license if this is permitted and give the original developer credit.

In your posting:

* Insert the download link always in your first post.
Make a zip file for the download, in the zip file included the pdf file. (pdf only if needed).
Give the included pdf file the same name as your extension name so it will work correctly in version 6.x

* Write the "terms to use" (paid or free) in your posting!
Provide a link of the original script/website in your posting.
If you have used a script created by another developer then include the proper credits. Also make sure that you have permission to use the script!

In the extension:

1) Insert the link to the original script, website in the extension (if applicable)!
2) Write the original developer name in the extension (if applicable).
3) Create a nice Toolbox bitmap if possible.


In the pdf documentation :

* Write how to use + terms to use (paid or free) in the pdf file,
(than people know what todo if they use your extension!)

For example:
1) How to use the extension in Web Builder.
2) With the new version 8 what sort off doctype to use for the extension!
2) If the page extension is html or php.
3) Write the terms to use.
4) How to install the extension.

Tip: look in the pdf from the official extensions as example.

Preferred file uploader/hosting for extensions:
or a similar file sharing website.

Try to avoid huge scripts and those which require SQL data bases as it may be difficult for many users to create one.
Flat text based data bases to be preferred.

If you have used code from another developer/website then please include the copyright of the script, proper credits and see if it may be distributed for free (for personal and commercial use)!
Always ask the original developer for permission!

If you wish to distribute your extensions through the Extension Manager and http://extensions.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/ then please read this:
http://extensions.wysiwygwebbuilder.com ... ccount.pdf

All messages, extensions express the views of the author, and the owners of the WYSIWYG Web Builder Forum or Pablo Software Solutions will not be held responsible for the content of any message or extensions provided from users.
Thank you for reading this, success with your self made extensions!