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Christmas gift: new extension STS-Newsletter

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:39 pm
by sts
Hello Forum,

I got an early Christmas present for you:


With this extension you have the option at any color and font settings to place a newsletter system at any place on your website.

The special feature of the STS-Newsletter-System is that the newsletter in the admin aera by WYSIWYG editor can be entered with variables.

The system includes:

- a newsletter archive in which all newsletters sent will be saved and therefore, available via a link below.
- a subscriber management
- a management categories
- a template archive which you can store any number of templates. It can be created and saved your own newsletter templates
- an image manager, where you can upload your images and manage its own name
- a maildomain blocking feature in which you can deposit unwanted domain endings
- the system is available in the following languages: German, English, French

The newsletter system needs no database!

Here you can download the extension:

When using the software in the purely private sphere without commercial or industrial purpose,is the software for free as well.
For commercial use, as well as removing the copyright notice is to purchase a license. ... htige.html

If we no longer read or write,
I wish you all a Merry Christmas
and a happy new year!


Re: Christmas gift: new extension STS-Newsletter

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:02 pm
by tgpedersen
Thx .. this i will look forward to try :)