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Boost serving your site by using pre-compressed files

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 7:29 am
Create a .gz version for .css .js and font files

If you run eg nginx as webserver, you can use the directive gzip_static on; for named locations.
This directive automatically checks for the presence of a .gz version of the file requested.
If no .gz file is found, the original file requested is served, else the compressed version is sent.
The browser extracts the file before usage.

There is of course an equivalent Apache command set.

Here are examples to see the file size difference:
96268 contact.css
..7103 contact.css.gz

243304 verdana.ttf
142501 verdana.ttf.gz

For the user, nothing changes except transfer times/quantity reduces quite a lot.
The webserver cpu does not have more to compute as the files are already pre-compressed.
The webserver software itself determines if the client supports compressed responses.
For the browser it is standard behaviour.

Code for manually creating/deleting .gz files
Please adopt paths, foldernames, user/group names ect. accordingly
Please delete /update the .gz files by re-running this script when your site changes and you publish to web !
You can easily expand the scripts to handle .ico (icon) files - it is worth doing so...

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read -p "Create or Delete in dev .gz (c/D)? " -r -e answer
(echo "$answer" | grep -iq "^D") && create_delete="d" || create_delete=$answer

if [[ $create_delete == "d" ]]; then
  echo "Deleting .gz"
  for gz in $(find $pathweb -name '*.gz'); do rm $gz; done
  $(service nginx reload)

if [[ $create_delete != "c" ]]; then
  echo "No Valid Command"

echo "Creating .gz"

for css in $(find $pathweb -name '*.css' -or -name '*.js'); do gzip -fkN9 $css; done

for font in $(find $pathweb/fonts -name '*.eot' -or -name '*.otf' -or -name '*.svg' -or -name '*.ttf' -or -name '*.woff' -or -name '*.woff2'); do gzip -fkN9 $font; done

chown -R $webuser:$webgroup $pathweb/*.gz

Code to calculate the compression ratio

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gz=$(find $pathweb -name "*.gz" | wc -l)

pu1=$(find $pathweb \( -name "*.css" -o -name "*.js" \) -print0 | xargs -0 du -ksc | tail -1 | awk 'END{print $1}')

pu2=$(find $pathweb/fonts \( -name '*.eot' -or -name '*.otf' -or -name '*.svg' -or -name '*.ttf' -or -name '*.woff' -or -name '*.woff2' \) -print0 | xargs -0 du -ksc | tail -1 | awk 'END {print $1}')

pu=$(( pu1 + pu2 ))

# if no gz files are found assign 0 else sum them up
if [[ $gz -eq 0 ]]; then
  gz=$(find $pathweb -name "*.gz" -print0 | xargs -0 du -ksc | tail -1 | awk 'END {print $1}')

fr=$(awk -v var1=$gz -v var2=$pu 'BEGIN { print ( var1 / var2 ) }' | awk '{printf "%2.2f",$0}')

echo $fr
An output after running the compression could be: 0.22
This means, that you have shrinked the files by roughly 80% !
A lot less to transfer over the wire :lol:
To monitor the files in the browser (opera, chrome), open the developer tools of the browser and under network hoover over the filesize of a .css .js ect file. There you see the resource vs the transferred over the network size - what a difference.

For ease of understanding, this is an example of an nginx directive serving pre-compressed static files

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        # serve pre-compressed .css and .js files
        location ~* \.(?:css|js)$ {
            gzip_static on;

        # serve pre-compressed font files in folder fonts
        location ~* ^/fonts/.*\.(eot|otf|ttf|svg|woff|woff2)$ {
            gzip_static on;
To check if .gz files are served, run following command and force-reload the page:

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sudo strace -e trace=open -p `pidof nginx | sed -e 's/ /,/g'` 2>&1 | grep .gz
Here is also a nice explanation about the benefits: ... mpression/